New Horizons

Part 1-Written in the beginning of January

As the new year begins, and we leave the old one behind, it is of course a time when we do a lot of soul searching. Am I on the right path? Do I need to tweak my course a little or do I need a whole new map? I started this blog to chronicle my wonderful journeys that I, as a solo full time woman RVer, was sure to have all the time. I haven’t written as many blog entries as I had planned this year. Why not? I have done some pretty fun things, but I’ve also been in a search mode, and haven’t known how to express what I’m feeling, not even to myself.
I entered the RV life three and a half years ago, with a paid off 37 foot 1994 Winnebago Vectra Class A motorhome towing a 2003 very beat up Nissan on a tow dolly. I love being on the road, but truthfully this thing is too big for me. I am not comfortable driving it with my car in tow behind. I am always stressed out while I’m on the road, and that’s not what this lifestyle should be about. So New Year’s resolution (goal?) #1: Get an RV much smaller. Under 30 feet would be much better. I have already started the search. Which brings me to my next topic of what needs to be changed this year. As a single person with only 1 income, it has been increasingly hard to keep afloat financially. Currently I am working at a campground that I love, working with great people, in a warm climate which is awesome. But the campground only pays minimum wage, charges for the site (albeit a tiny fraction of what the seasonal pay), and they have cut back our hours due to being overstaffed.
So what does a girl do? Get discouraged? Honestly, yes. But then it is time for this Wonder Woman Wandering to pick herself up, dust herself off, and get a new map. It is time for me to think outside the box, and look for other avenues of income. I do have my jewelry making business, but it is not enough to pay on a slightly newer and definitely shorter RV. So I have been reading lots of self help books this year looking for new ideas and out of the box business ventures that might work for me. Wish me luck, pray for me, and send me good vibes. I want to continue down the road, I am enjoying the ride too much to quit.

Part 2- Starting a New Venture

So as I was looking for income a little outside the box (not in a campground that pays a low wage), I came upon something that might work. I am a Workamper News gold member (whoops, I think platinum member now as they have revamped their levels) and they post new jobs throughout the day every day. In the 2nd week of January they posted one from a company called Southern Cross that has in the past hired workampers to walk gas lines with meters looking for leaks. This time the job was exchanging electric meters on houses in north Florida. They have a contract with Duke Energy. There is 2 weeks of training starting the 18th of February. I had to first pass a drug and background check and interview. I didn’t want to announce anything until all was final. And of course I had to give notice at the beautiful KOA I am at. They have been a bit overstaffed this winter so all is good with me leaving. I will be making almost twice the hourly wage I was making at the KOA, plus a per diem that will definitely pay for my campground stays in north Florida. Am I nervous? Yes, this is definitely outside the box. Since it is not customer service I am a bit afraid I will get lonely, not really working with a bunch of people or knowing anyone at the campground. But it will help me gather some money to upgrade my RV. The contract is for at least 4 or 5 months, then who knows where I will go from there. So on Friday the 15th I will be heading from St. Pete to Tallahassee for my training. Wish me luck!



  1. Robin Griffin Reply

    I’ve just discovered your blog. This is so cool! I always love hearing about your adventures on FB, so now I have another avenue to keep track of you as you wander. Shine On!

  2. Congratulations!!! That sounds exciting and adventure some. It might get a bit hot towards the end of that contract, but glad you kept at it. Best of luck.
    Where will you be housed?

    • I get per diem to pay for my campground. We will be starting training near Tallahassee, then from there we head a bit south.

  3. Shirley Godbold Reply

    Good Luck & I know you will be better than fine, feeling good that your looking forward. It’s going to be a great year!!!

  4. Lori Johnson Reply

    So glad this worked out for you Kathy! It was so good to see you last month……

  5. Lynda Phillips Reply

    Good luck girl. A smaller, newer RV is a must. We just got a 27 footer. It’s good for two people, could go smaller. Our old rig was pretty old and I love the easy of this one. You dererve way more than minimum wage.

    • Well, in defense of the minimum wage I am paying $150 a month for a site that others are paying over $1300 for. But I do need something shorter and newer so this new venture will help me with that. I have been looking but haven’t seen “the one” yet. Did you sell your old rig?

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